Forms of Education
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
The Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics was formed in 2012 as a result of the merger of the two Faculties - Faculty of Physics and Technology and Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics.
The Faculty prepares teachers in the following specialty areas: Physics, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Informatics, Technology and Entrepreneurship.
The Faculty also offers a system of additional specialties which enables BA students to apply for a second specialty.
The Faculty has nine educational laboratories and workshops, with their material and technical base being regularly updated, parallel to the development of science and technology.
The Faculty cooperates with the Institute for Physical Research (IPR) of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Armenia: MA students majoring in Optics do research internships in the IPR research laboratories. Also, part of BA and MA students write their graduate papers and theses under the supervision of IPR leading scientists.
The Laboratory for New Materials of Quantum Electronics and Integral Optics opened at the Faculty in 2011. In the same year, the Research Laboratory for Nonlinear Optical, Photonic and Laser Materials was opened as a result of joint cooperation between the IPR and the University.
At the initiative of the Faculty, the University has also signed cooperation agreements with the Byurakan Observatory and Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of the RA National Academy of Sciences.
The Faculty consistently applies new learning technologies: it already has a computerized audience-portal where students and staff members can use free electronic library, with more than eighty thousand scientific journals, publications and teaching-methodical manuals, etc.
Many subjects are taught with the use of computer technology which significantly increases the effectiveness and quality of the education process. Besides, laboratories are regularly refurbished and upgraded.
The Faculty also has an observatory which is frequently visited by pupils of different schools. This, in turn, strengthens relations between the University and schools.
Through the introduction of new educational programmes and modernization of technical equipment and resources, the University attempts to provide qualitative progress in the education process.
Exhibitions of students’ works, literary presentations and musical matinees, popular science lectures on different topics, including history and patriotism, are periodically organized at the University with the direct participation of the Faculty students.
Dean's Office of the Faculty of Mathematics , Physics and Informatics
Dean of Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics
Deputy dean for academic affairs of the faculty of mathematics, physics and informatics, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of engineering, associate professor
Assistant dean
Chair of Mathematics and its Teaching Methods
The Chair of Mathematics and its Teaching Methods was reorganized in 2016 as a result of the merger of the Chair of Mathematics Teaching Methods, Chair of Higher Algebra and Geometry, Chair of Mathematical Analysis and Functions.
The staff of the Chair includes nine Doctors of Science, one academician, nine professors, ten Candidates of Science and ten associate professors. Ten theses have been defended in the Chair in the last ten years. Today, the Chair has three applicants and one PhD student.
More than 1000 scientific works and articles authored by the current staff members have been published in local and international journals, peer-reviewed journals.
The chair has also published math textbooks for elementary schools, algebra textbooks for primary schools, textbooks of geometry and higher algebra for high schools, monographs, methodological manuals and handbooks for teachers, a number of textbooks for universities, etc. The Chair also organizes seminars on Mathematics Education. From 2013 to 2018, the Chair organized six international conferences (“Mathematics Education 1-6”) which brought together specialists from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Slovenia and Ukraine. The materials of all the conferences were published in separate collections.
Employees of the Chair attended numerous scientific conferences in Armenia, Russia, Ukraine and Austria. The lectures of the Chair also participated and delivered reports in the International Congress on Mathematical Education. The Chair is actively involved in TEMPUS և ERASMUS+ projects funded by the European Union.
The main scientific directions of the Chair are:
- Values and their formation in mathematics education;
- The problem of improving the effectiveness of mathematics teaching in primary and high schools;
- Math teaching methods: innovative methods: collective teaching method;
- Integro-differential equation: Factorization;
- Boolean algebra and De Morgan functions: Theory of Quasigroups;
- Spectral analysis of differential equations of the membrane theory;
- Mechanics of deformable solid body, seismology, spectral analysis;
- Use of wave theory methods in transforming economic systems.
The Chair implements "Scientific and Pedagogical Bases of Mathematics as School Subject in the Context of the New Educational Paradigm” programme.
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: 59 70 22
Head of chair of mathematics and its teaching methods, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Professor
Doctor of Education, Candidate of science in physics and mathematics, professor
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences,professor
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, professor
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, professor
Doctor of Pedagogical Science, professor, Head of Laboratory
PhD of phys.math.sciences, docent
Candidate of Sciences, docent
Candidate of mathematical sciences, docent
Candidate of Sciences, docent
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Docent
Candidate of Sciences, docent/Chair of Mathematics and its Teaching Methods
Candidate of Sciences, assistant
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent
Chair of Technological Education
The Chair of Technological Education was established in 1959 by the name of “Chair of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Processing”, closed down in 1967 and reopened in 1969. In 2012, it was restructured as the Chair of “Mechanical Engineering, General Technical Subjects and their Teaching Methods” after the unification of the Chairs of “Mechanical Engineering and Materials Processing” and of “General Technical Subjects and their Teaching Methods”, and in 2015, it was renamed the Chair of “Technological Education”.
The “Computer Graphics and Robot Technology” and “Fashion Modeling and Food Manufacturing Technology” laboratories, as well as the “Metal Processing” and “Wood Processing” workshops operate adjunct to the Chair. Bachelor’s and Master’s students pursuing their studies in the subjects offered by the Chair, participate in educational and production practices in the “Interstanok” Research and Production Enterprise OJSC and “Rusal-Armenal” CJSC factories, in the “INFUS” NGO supporting formal and informal education, as well as in banks of the Republic of Armenia.
The Chair collaborates with the Institute for Applied Problems of Physics State Non-Commercial Organization of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, as well as the Metallurgy and Material Science Problem Laboratory of the State Engineering University of Armenia. Currently, the Chair has 2 professors and 4 associate professors, as well as 3 applicants who have applied to obtain the academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
The employees of the Chair actively participate in the seminars and scientific conferences organized across the country and abroad.
The professors of the Chair are engaged in the development of the criteria for the “Technology” subject and textbook development.
The Chair helps enhance the following key scientific directions:
- Issue of increasing effectiveness of technology training in middle school;
- Teaching methods of teaching, innovative methods;
- Shaping engineering thinking in the process of technology training;
- Research on the theoretical and scientific-experimental methods for development of creative and technical capacities;
- Technologies for superficial engineering, modern technologies that help economize raw material for processing of metals.
Эл.адрес: [email protected]
Тел.: 59 70 51
Chairman of the Technological Education, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor
Deputy dean for academic affairs of the faculty of mathematics, physics and informatics, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of engineering, associate professor
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Candidate of technical sciences, Associate professor
Candidate of technical sciences, Assistant Professor
Associate professor of pedagogy
Shif of training workshop
Teaching Master
Senior laboratory assistant
Specialist, Lecturer
Chair of Physics and its Teaching Methods
The Chair was formed in June 2012.
The Chair focuses on the following research areas:
- Reforms in the education system: formation of the professional competence of Physics teachers at pedagogical universities
- Enhancing teaching of Physics and Natural Sciences at the Pedagogical University and secondary schools
- Reforms in the education system: Physics teaching strategies and methods in high schools
- Laser materials processing and examination of physical properties
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: 59 70 54
Head of chair of Physics and its Teaching Methods, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor
Dean of Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics
Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Аctiv Professor
Vice-rector for education processes, Director's Advisor of the ASPU Base College, Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor
Assistant professor
Senior laboratory Assistant
Chair of Informatics and its Teaching Methods
The Chair was founded in 1987 within the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
Major contribution to the formation and establishment of the Chair was made by Mkrtich Sahradyan, one of the professors of the Chair, Candidate of Science in Pedagogy who headed the Chair from 1987 to 2009. In 2011, it was renamed Chair of Informatics and its Teaching Methods and was included in the structure of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics.
The Chair prepares specialists with Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Informatics, who can work at school as teachers of Informatics, as well as in different organizations and companies as programmers, computer networking specialists and information technology specialists. The Chair has two students seeking a Candidate of Sciences degree in Pedagogy (Methods of Teaching and Training (Informatics) ԺԳ.00.02)
The Chair actively participates in the informatization of the University, automation of education process, including creation of electronic textbooks and educational materials, as well as creation of professional database for the organization of distance education.
Today, the Chair has two Professors, ten Associate Professors, two Assistant Professors and three Lecturers. The lecturers of the Department periodically participate in seminars and conferences organized both in Armenia and in other countries.
The teaching staff of the Chair has published numerous scientific, educational and methodical works (30 academic and methodical manuals, around 200 articles).
Three PhD students and three degree-seeking candidates have defended their theses in the Chair.
The Chair has nine computer rooms equipped with modern computer technologies, electronic whiteboards, projectors and other devices necessary for the education process. The University has a LAN (local-area network) system, with all computers having Internet access.
The lecturers of the Chair deliver lectures and conduct laboratory and practical work for all BA and MA students attending full-time and distance learning courses in the Faculties of the University.
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Doctor of Philosophy in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics,Associated professor
Head of Department for Educational Processes
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associated professor
Degree of Doctor of Engineering (PhD), Associated professor
PhD in Physical and Mathematical sciences, Assistant
Degree of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Mechanics, Associate Professor
PhD in Engineering, Assistant Professor
Candidate of technical science, associate docent